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One of my favorite daily blogging tasks is to check my Ibotta app -- because there's nothing more inspiring and rewarding about couponing that seeing your savings add up.
And my savings have SERIOUSLY added up with Ibotta. Hands-down, it's one of the most effective couponing tools I have at my disposal.
In fact, since the app launched back in 2012, I've earned over ELEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS through rebates and referrals!
There's a reason I call Ibotta my part-time job that lives in my phone.
The money I earn through using the app is actual JOB money.
Except I don't have to pay for commuting costs, deal with a boss or co-workers, or show up at an office every day.
So if you haven't started using Ibotta yet (or you downloaded the app but don't know how to maximize earnings), you are literally losing out on cash.
Real cash.
So here are my easy tips on how to boost your earnings on Ibotta (without being scammy or coming across as desperate on social media!)
Grab some coffee and settle down to read -- I promise it will be worth the time investment!
How To Boost Your Earnings On Ibotta Fast
1) Reach out to non-couponers or new couponers you personally know.
Ibotta is very easy to use, even for folks who have never clipped a coupon in their life. And since you score a $5 referral bonus whenever someone new signs up using your referral link, it's a great way to add extra $$ into your account.
For example, think about your family members you see often.
If you add the app onto, say, your parents' phones, your in-laws phones, and your siblings' phones, using your referral link, you could probably rack up some sweet referral money just with them!
That could easily add up to $40, $50, or more right there. For maybe an hour's worth of work total.
And even non-techy people can use Ibotta if you sit down for a minute or two and show them around the app.
In fact, I showed my (famously NON-couponing) sister how to use Ibotta while we were walking around her Target!
NOTE: In order to score a referral bonus, your newbie has to a) sign up using your referral code and then b) submit for their first rebate within 10 days of download.
So it makes sense to not only show your family and friends your referral link, but also a suggested deal scenario they can use the first time out.
Luckily, I have a nice list of rebate scenarios and suggestions right here on JenniferSaves for you!
2) Pay attention to your bonus offers!
Ibotta rotates out brand-based bonus offers all the time, that hook you up with additional cash for redeeming rebates multiple times across multiple transactions.
In fact, I just looked in my app and I see over $63 worth of bonuses available today -- and that doesn't count the cash you'd earn for actually redeeming the individual rebates.
I don't recommend buying items you wouldn't actually use just to trigger the rebates -- unless of course they are free or money-makers, in which case you can probably find somewhere to donate them.
But it definitely pays (literally!) to stay on top of these, and earn the ones that work for you and your family.
Remember, Ibotta often will return a rebate offer to your app a few days after you redeem it -- so sometimes you can take advantage of these deals three and four times before they disappear for good!
3) Don't share your referral links in social media coupon groups (unless you run them).
I cannot emphasize this enough.
I see this happen pretty routinely (and expect to see it happen in the comments or when I post this article in various Facebook groups tonight) and guys, it's a complete waste of time. In my personal experience, the couponers savvy enough to have joined coupon groups online are already using the app, and are going to scroll right past your referral link. The other thing I see happen is that couponers start commenting on your referral post with their OWN referral links, and then the whole post turns into just a text wall of spam! Now, if you find a coupon group that's specifically dedicated to new couponers, that could potentially be a useful venue for you to share your Ibotta referral code or link.
But those newbie coupon groups are usually run by folks who are donating a lot of time and expertise to the group -- so that admin should really be the one referring their group members, unless they specifically invite you to share referral codes and links. So be sure to read through the group rules and/or message the admin to ask before you post! Again, social media can be a great way to build your referral earnings -- but you're going to have a lot more success connecting with non-couponers you personally know, whether it's face to face or online.
What other questions do you have about earning more $$ on Ibotta? Was this useful information for you? Let me know in the comments section below!
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